Our Quebec City Campus is moving!

Our Quebec City campus is moving, just in time for our return to in-person cohort! This fall, we will have the pleasure of welcoming our students to a brand new space! The amazing growth that CodeBoxx is experiencing lately pushes us to move to larger, more spacious space that better suits the needs of our […]

3 distinct programming languages learned in a single week!

This week was a big week for our Bootcamp participants in Quebec City, Montreal and online! They had to learn to code an algorithm in three different programming languages: JavaScript, Python and Ruby. The algorithm in question had to simulate an elevator with a prioritization logic, which analyzes and optimizes the wait time, among other […]

Strong Presence in the St-Pete Local Market

Recently, our CEO Nicolas Genest had the opportunity to meet with St Pete Catalyst in preparation for the launch of the first cohort in Tampa Bay. The graduates of this cohort (and the following ones) promise to have a strong presence in the local market. ” Lack of tech talent can doom a startup. There’s […]